Outplacement & Corona

The corona crisis is affecting our normalcy and everyone's lives. People are working from home, and restaurants, stores and schools are closed. Hospitals are working overtime. But with all the measures taken, the job market is also affected, both in the short and long term.

Due to the measures taken to combat the coronavirus, our coaching of candidates has also changed. The coaching sessions and conversations now take place by phone or via Facetime. Outplacement Op Maat is well positioned to carry out its services digitally. We also worked with online tools in the past, and new job opportunities continue to become available. Applying and participating in the job market remains relevant, perhaps especially in these times. After all, you can always work on your job application skills and build a network. Want to know more about how Outplacement op Maat is approaching it now? Feel free to contact us, even if you just want to spar.


Certainty in unclear times

Right now, everything is uncertain and no one knows what the world will look like in a few months or a year. Therefore, we recommend that if you are leaving your current employer with severance pay, you should sign up with an outplacement agency. Don't wait and just try to keep your work life going. With the measures we have put in place at Outplacement op Maat, we are perfectly capable of continuing our counseling digitally. So you can safely be counseled remotely, and nothing substantively changes. The career counselors of OOM are still ready to help you take the next step in your career.